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While you wait, check out some of our classes!
Carry Gun Only – Defensive Pistol Tactics (Indoor)
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Women’s Only Defensive Pistol Tactics
Do you want to learn to draw from a holster safely and efficiently, learn tactics to help defend yourself in an attack, and see different carry...
Carry Gun Only – Defensive Pistol Tactics
We know times are hard, so we created a value class to give you the skills necessary for conceal carry. In the class, you will learn how to safely...
Structured Range Days – Training with Purpose
We know times are hard, but responsible gun owners still need training, and shooting is a perishable skill. Come out for a structured range day with...
How to Clean Your Handgun Taught by a Gunsmith
Do you want to learn how to clean your handgun? Come learn from a gunsmith as they go step by step on how to properly clean and maintain your...
Home Defense & Emergency Medical Care (Plus Stop the Bleed Cert)
What is your most important defensive tool? It’s not your firearm, knife, or any other tangible weapon. It is your MINDSET! In a critical situation,...